After months of renovation, our center on the outskirts of Gisenyi is finally finished!

"The first meeting of BNE ambassadors after great activity that they have done with their students. Now the meeting was all about starting activities again to solve some problems that we had last time we hope we will have a good work by sharing the knowledge of health lifestyle to different villages where ambassadors live."

Mudi himself lives in the countryside outside Gisenyi, in the mornings when he goes to buy bread he usually meets many people and often starts talking to them.



The work in Rwanda continues, perhaps even more so than when I am not there. Because now we have started to gain momentum!

Here is a report from Mudi, our colleague in Rwanda, who initiated this project. That our facilitators gather their students and cook healthy food together, so that they also get a chance to practice their knowledge of vitamins and healthy food.

We have had a continuation course for group E - eleven women aged from a little over twenty to almost sixty years old. We started and ended each day with one of the women saying a prayer with everyone standing in a circle with their heads bowed and their hands in front of their chests.

Baho Neza Education BNE to gather with BAHO NEZA SWE is working good in spreading the knowledge to the young women and mother down here in Gisenyi area in Rwanda it was good with too much serf confidence to get unbelievable palacrobat and healthy body systems,And it was amazing to the Mather of 50 years old who didn't believe...

Back to Rwanda


So I have again arrived in Gisenyi, the first days were spent in Kigali. There we met, among other things, an entrepreneur at the Swedish hub Norrsken. I had read about her in a Swedish Newspaper and managed to get hold of her in Kigali. She sells health services to employees of various companies. It was very interesting. We came...

The days here in Gisenyi go by as they like. We have held our basic course for sixteen new young women, we have compiled the evaluation from it and we are planning for the next course after the new year which will be held for the previous group, who took their basic course this spring.